Liturgical Ministries are an important part of worship at any Catholic parish. Here at Saint Philip, the following ministries are present:

Altar Server: Both students and adults are invited to serve Holy Mass on Sundays, Weekdays and Holy Days. Students in grades 4-12 are encouraged to serve as well as adults. Training is provided. Contact the Parish Office for additional information. Participants should be comfortable serving at St. Philip and Ascension Churches.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Parishioners are selected and invited by the Pastor to participate in this important ministry at Mass. Contact Father Torquato in the Parish Office for additional information.

Lector: Proclaiming Sacred Scripture is a special ministry reserved for lectors. Those interested should be comfortable with public speaking and have a deep love for the Word of God. High schools students and adults are invited to participate in this ministry at Holy Mass on Sundays, Weekdays or Holy Days of Obligation. Training will be provided. Contact the Parish Office for additional information.

Funeral Altar Server: Adults are encouraged to participate in this ministry. Funeral liturgies are celebrated Monday-Saturday and usually take place at 10:00am. Special training will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office for additional information.

Funeral Mass Ministry: This particular ministry involves being present at the Funeral Mass, being ready to proclaim the Scripture Readings (if needed), and greeting the family members and those chosen to be Lectors and Gift Bearers at the Funeral Mass. Please contact the Parish Office for additional information.

Sacristan: This ministry involves helping to prepare for Holy Mass by preparing the sacred vessels and other items needed in the liturgy. The Sacristan is assigned to a specific Mass and is also responsible for staying after Mass and helping to put all items used in the liturgy away. Sacristans are needed for Sunday, Weekday and Holy Day Masses. Those interested should contact Father Torquato at 412-922-6300. 

Usher: The ministry of the Usher is performed before, during and after every Sunday Mass. Ushers are asked to greet parishioners, help with seating in the church, and kindly handing-out bulletins and copies of the Pittsburgh Catholic Newspaper after Mass. Ushers are also responsible for taking up the Sunday Offertory at Mass. Please contact the Parish Office for additional information.

Bridal Coordinator: Volunteers for this special ministry are trained to work with the priests and engaged couples at the Wedding Rehearsal and Wedding Mass or Ceremony. Candidates for this ministry should be natural leaders, creative, assertive and willing to be the face of the parish and Catholic Church as they will encounter many people, those who practice their faith, the unchurched, lapsed Catholics, and non-Catholics at each wedding. Special training is provided and two coordinators are assigned per wedding. Please contact Father Torquato at 412-922-6300 for additional information. 

Liturgical Art & Environment: This ministry involves helping to plan and decorate the church Altars for the Easter and Christmas Seasons as well as other times throughout the year such as Thanksgiving and various Holy Days. For more information, please contact Patrick at 412-965-5754.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Adults are invited to participate in this weekly ministry at the 11:00am Mass at St. Philip Church. Children are invited to Kelty Hall for the Liturgy of the Word during the first part of the Sunday Mass. A short reflection on the Sunday Readings is taught. Children return to Mass at the time of the General Intercessions. Please contact MaryAnn in the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388 for additional information.


Did you know Saint Philip Parish has First Saturday Eucharistic Adoration at Ascension church from 8:30am to 9:30am? Start your month with prayer and meditation before Our Lord. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity on a monthly basis