Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: If you or a loved one would like to receive Holy Communion at home due to illness, please contact the Parish Office at 412-922-6300 and a Eucharistic Minister will be assigned to visit you. If you or a loved one are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, go to confession and receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office and a priest will be asked to visit you.

Ministry to Those in Hospitals and Nursing Facilities: If you or a loved one is hospitalized or in a nursing facility (short-term or long-term) and would like to be visited and receive Holy Communion or be anointed, please contact the Parish Office at 412-922-6300. A parish chaplain will be contacted and will be asked to visit you. If the hospital or nursing facility is located outside of our particular parish grouping, the proper parish chaplain responsible for that local area will be contacted and asked to visit you.

Catholic Men’s Fellowship: A weekly gathering of men from the parish community, who pray together and discuss their Catholic faith. They support, affirm and share insights about the challenges they encounter in their personal and professional lives. Members strive to reinforce Christian values with others in their group, and support other men who are struggling to do the same. The St. Philip Men’s Fellowship meets every Wednesday Evening on the 2nd floor of the Parish Administrative Center on the Ascension Campus. Please contact Robert Bertocchi at 412-335-2356 or for additional information.

Legion of Mary: The Saint Philip Legion of Mary seeks to bring Jesus, through Mary, to our parishioners by performing spiritual works of mercy. In teams of two, Legion members perform an hour of service each week, for example, by sending cards to families of newly baptized parishioners or homebound parishioners, praying the Rosary before funerals or by visiting sick parishioners is hospitals and retirement centers. Members meet weekly to pray, read from the Legion handbook and share a faith discussion. Please contact Eileen Guay at 412-920-9091 or for more information.

Pre-Cana: Engaged couples preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony are required by the Diocese of Pittsburgh to complete a Pre-Cana (or Pre-Marriage) experience prior to their wedding. Couples are given a number of Pre-Cana programs in the local Pittsburgh area to choose from based on their availability. The Pre-Cana experience is usually held at a local parish and is directed by a number of married couples. The program usually includes lunch or dinner and includes speakers who cover a variety of topics from finances to communication to sexuality to prayer in married life. Pre-Cana experiences are usually held on multiple evenings or on a Friday evening / Saturday all-day schedule. Engaged couples are provided this information by the priest preparing them for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Men’s and Woman’s Retreats: This is an excellent opportunity of quiet prayer and reflection. The Men’s Retreat weekend away from the busyness of our everyday lives is an opportunity to rest in the presence of the Lord, and to be aware of what the Lord has to say to us. The weekend retreat, held at St. Paul of the Cross Monastery in Pittsburgh and usually starts on a Friday evening and ends Sunday at lunchtime. The annual Men’s Retreat is held in the fall and those interested should contact Al Bannon at 412-921-8667. The annual Woman’s Retreat is held in the spring and those interested should contact Mary Jane Roth at 412-921-2361.

Salvation History Series: This particular program is held in the fall and spring and is conducted within the context of a small, faith-sharing group. Various topics related to Sacred Scripture and our Catholic faith are studied and discussed. Prayer is also an important component to this program. Gatherings are usually held on the 2nd floor of the Administrative Center on a particular weeknight. Please contact Francis Sullen at 412-481-9063 for additional information.