For all Christians the journey of faith begins with the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is the very first sacrament that we celebrate. We are sealed, or marked forever, as belonging to Christ. Once we have received the Sacrament of Baptism, no matter what may happen, we belong to Christ and the Church.

Baptisms for children are scheduled at St. Philip Church following the 11:00am Sunday Liturgy.

To have your child baptized, please call the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388 to provide basic request information. Father Jim Torquato, our Pastor, will then send you a Baptism Request Form along with the Church’s requirements for Baptism. You are asked to complete the packet and return it to the Office of Faith Formation. If this is your first child, a baptism class is required and will be scheduled at your convenience. When the packet is returned and all requirements are completed the Baptism will be scheduled.

Adult Baptisms are celebrated within the OCIA Program. For information, call the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388.


Jesus reminds us that we can truly be at peace only if we allow ourselves to be reconciled, in the Lord Jesus, with the Father and with one another. Confessions at St. Philip are Saturdays from 12:00pm to 1:00pm at Ascension Church, 114 Berry Street. Confessions are also heard on a regular basis during the Seasons of Advent and Lent. For specific times, please consult the bulletin.

FIRST RECONCILIATION: Preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation begins in First Grade and continues through the Second Grade Year. Preparation includes regular catechetical sessions on Monday Night from 6:30pm to 7:45pm, a parent night of information and reflection, and a family retreat. First Reconciliation usually takes place the first Saturday in March. For specific information, contact the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388.


First Eucharist at St. Philip includes 2 years of Faith Formation Formal Instruction. Preparation includes a tour of the church, regular catechetical sessions on Monday night from 6:30pm to 7:45pm, a parent night of information and reflection, attendance at Sunday Liturgy, family service and a family retreat. First Eucharist is usually celebrated in May at a special Sunday afternoon liturgy. For specific information, contact the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388.


Confirmation includes 2 years of Faith Formation Formal Instruction. Instruction is presented on Monday night from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. Instruction is conducted using Loyola Press and LifeTeen EDGE. Preparation includes service days, retreat days, family service and field trips.

Adult Confirmation can be celebrated for any adult in need of the Sacrament by calling the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388. Instruction is individually arranged according to the individual’s needs and schedule.